Sunday, March 27, 2011

Coming Home

My last night, I was at a good bye party for Hope and one of her roommates! It was a great way to end it all. We played 4 square, ninja, and hit the piñata. I did not go to bed until 12:30 or so, and had to wake up at 2:30 to be ready for 3. Cecilia woke up to wait with me for the bus. We sat downstairs whispering in spanish until the bus cam around 4. It was strangely odd saying good bye to hear. It was quick but thankful, but I did not feel to much. Once o the airport, I got to my gate quickly. It was weird seeing all of the tourists though. I felt like I was a local, and almost resented them. Things like, they will never know Costa Rica the way I do, ran through my head a lot. It was a slow easing back into American culture. 

On the flight, it all started to hit me. When I touch down again, I will be back in the states. I remember looking down at Costa Rica and thinking adios! I have learned so much here and now I am leaving.

The flight was enjoyable and I was able to sleep for almost half of it. I RAN through the Houston airport and managed to make my last flight. I literally arrived 5 minutes before. I checked in, went to the bathroom, then heard them calling my name to board the plane. I am so glad that I got to catch it though. If not, I would have had to wait 3 more hours for the next flight. that flight was sUPER bumpy coming home too, but so quick. Then the best part, running up to my Zachary for the best hug! My family was there to great me as well and it was nice to see how happy they were. 

Zack asked me to describe my trip in one word, and I would pick irreplaceable. Now as I sit in my bed back in my house, I am realizing what all my trip has meant to me. I have learned so much here and am so thankful as to how it was orchestrated so well. God blessed me with amazing friends, lessons, teachers, a family, experiences, and memories forever. Looking back, I remember being unsure of studying abroad at first, but I can not imagine not going to Costa Rica. I am definitely having some crazy feelings and emotions being back home now. I think that is all part of the process. I am a new girl coming home trying to fit back into the place of the old Kelsey, but things are different for the better now, and I hope to use my time away to continue my growth and make some great changes!


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