You read it right... this is the blog of selfishness. El blog de egoísmo. I could not tell you why, but today, I had some SERIOUS cravings for things back home. I feel that I should not hide anything from you people, so here we go...... This is a good hint for a return home gift too! :)
I have had pickles one time sense I have been here and it was on a mahi mahi sandwich. I did not realize how much I missed them until that night. When I brought it up, I think everyone else felt the same way. Pickles are not that type of food that are usually people's favorites or anything, but they just make everything else better. I just long for that crunch...
Ok, everyone knows how I love chips, but seriously... I WANT them. Once again I long for that crunch and also some zesty salsa. Maybe even the great value salsa with peach in it. Or maybe, even homemade salsa! **Side note, I could always take some guacamole with that too.
So maybe this is a repeat of the previous but I beg to differ. I talked about them once with someone else from the south, but no other of my friends had tried them before. Tonight for dinner, I smelt the exact same smell of Zapps from my window. It surely was not from my house, but I wish that it was. I've got it bad people....
This is not my kitchen, although I would not be opposed to it being mine. I just SOOO miss being able to cook. The only thing I have really made to eat since I have been here are sandwiches for lunch and one day I made French Toast peanut butter banana sandwiches for my friends. I do not even have an oven in my house for the good stuff. We are supposed to be having a cooking night this Friday at one of my friends house...oh yes, cookies and milk. I wanted to make them rum cake, but we will see how much all of that costs.
While it is true that I eat a bowl of cereal every morning for breakfast, I do not consider it the same. For some reason, the only cereal we get is a mix of off brand fruit loops and corn flakes (not frosted :( ) I miss the cereal isle and those awesome bags of cheap cereal. Ours is a bit old sometimes, so I think I just want that good crunchy cereal. The kind where you can not hear people talking to you because it is so crunchy. I bet Great Value is taking some losses without me in the country :)
This one may seem a bit strange, but it is true. I know mom knows, but I have a precociously designed bed when it comes to sleeping. (Now this is going to sound spoiled) I sleep with the perfect pillow under my head, then two on each side of me. That way, if I decide to change directions, there will always be one in front of me to go between my knees. I also sleep with a smaller one up by my head that I wrap my hands around. The pillows that I have here are like tissue paper. I had to steal an extra one from the empty bedroom to use. I also folded up my extra blanket and put it under those two, to come to a grand total of 2 pillows and a blanket under my head. This obviously leaves none for my knees. ¡Que Triste! Soon, one of my roommate's friends is coming to stay with here for 2 weeks. You know what that means.... one of my pillows have to go back to the other room.
If you can not tell, this is pepper jack cheese. How I miss it. The cheese here is NASTY. There is this one brand that we call squeaky cheese. It looks like Tofu. When you chew it, you can literally hear it squeaking against your teeth... other people can hear it too. The other options is this weird velvetta cheese. Don't get me wrong, velvetta is weird, but I am usually all for it back home. I am not for this stuff though. Our mom puts it out in the mornings for our toast????? LEt me teach you all a very important phrase in Spanish "No Gracias"
La guitarra, it just sounds better in Spanish. I have so much free time here that would be perfect for playing. The other day, I asked Hope's dad if I could play his, so I just sat outside for about 30 minutes and played. His guitar probably cost around $50. It also had black plastic strings, snazzy! We had a little sing a long session too. I guess they heard me and asked me to play at their anniversary party last night. I felt bad that I did not know any in Spanish though. And after my song, they paid me with cake (no problem here!) That inspired me to come home and look up chords to some songs that I learned in high school Spanish. They are so beautiful in Spanish. Spanish is just better to describe things. So now I have the chords and lyrics.... just need the guitar! Just read these lyrics.... ¡Que Bonita!
Quisiera ser solecito
para entrar por tu ventana
y darte los "Buenos Días"
acostadita en tu cama,
Quisiera ser un San Juan,
quisiera ser un San Pedro
para venirte a cantar
con la música del cielo
I would like to be a little sunlight
to go in through your window
and tell you “Good Morning”
while you’re lying in your bed.
I would like to be Saint John,
I would like to be Saint Peter,
In order to come sing to you
with music from heaven.
Ok, so I can buy it here, but it is really expensive, at least for popcorn. They have this one brand though, that is just called sweet, that is SOOO GREAT! It is like kettle corn, but sweeter. I think more than popcorn, I miss eating it with my old roomies!!! I think I made them addicted to it, because I would always eat it for a snack and share! When I return, we shall eat popcorn and get many thirstbusters ladies!!
Thank you for letting me vent family. I just noticed how much of a texture person I am, I want some CRUNCH back in my life. That also applies to the crunch of peeling a crawfish!!!!!! So for today, I only had one class and we went on a field trip to the Foreign Affairs department. To be honest, it was pretty boring, but the building was pretty. He was not a very good speaker and I think we all knew what he was telling us already. I went to work out and am about to go to salsa class at school. It was a pretty relaxing day today. OOO but I did have a new food! For lunch a got a melon smoothie, which turned out to be a Cantaloupe smoothie---- WOW!!!!! That is all I am going to say!
Hasta mañana!!!
I really like this post! :) hehe... You are so funny. As I read all these things, I thought, "she didn't include bean dip!" :) hehehe! I can tell you this much: those things will certainly be available upon your arrival at home... especially the last one about thristbuster and popcorn with your old roomies. :)
ReplyDeleteps, in one of my spanish classes today we were talking about the different words for popcorn. In Guatemala they call it "poporopos." My professor from Spain called it "palomitas de maíz"... kind of like what you have. Then Andrea said in venezuela it's different too. funny! I personally like poporopos, because it's fun to say. :)
hehe, love you!
This blog is a good starting point for a list that I would title, "things that I would need ans want if I was going to the moon for 6 months".
ReplyDeleteThe guitar comment really strucl home with me. Does anyone make guitars in San Jose? Or do they come from South Korea as here?