Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Eniero 17

Feliz cumpleaños Lucas!!! I wish I could have been home for it!

The days seem to be getting more constant. I am getting use to the routine now and do not run into as many challenges as before. Today was great because we started our girls bible study. We went to a little restaurant close to school and shared our testimonies. Testimonies are one of my favorite things to know about new people. They are so uniquefor each person. It was also nice to know where my new friends stood in the faith and what they hoped for. We are meeting every Monday at lunch, and hopefully each girl will lead the study each week. I am really glad that we got that started here.

Nothing to much happened today. I have been so tired from all of our excursions, so I try to make a little more time for sleep. Mondays and Wednesdays I stay at school from 8am to 7pm.... which can be a BIT draining. After the bus dropped me off, Cecillia had my dinner waiting for me. It was some type of fish, beans, and wait for it..... rice. We talked for a while, too. I do not have much time to talk to her during the day, but I really do enjoy talking to her. Her and her husband have been having kids stay with them for 16 years!!!! It is so nice to see how excited she is to talk to us and to teach us new things. I think that would get old for a lot of people, but she makes me feel like I am the first student she has ever had. I am going to be SOOOOOO spoiled when I come back home in March. No more breakfast and dinner made for me or a special late dinner for when I come home late. Noone to clean my room for me or to do my laundry and hang everything up once a week. Even though the walk is a tad far from school, they are so great to us and feel so blessed to have Cecillia and Herbert for my Tico family!

GOOD NEWS: we can finally drink juice for dinner. I asked for it for dinner about a week ago and she said no. I guess she has had to bring students to the doctor before for dehydration, and I think the doctor told her that juice is not good to drink at dinner? I think this means that she just wanted us drinking water as much as possible, and she said after 15 days, we could drink juice for dinner. Well my friends, we are now on day 16 and the juice is oh so good!!

Sorry if there are typos, I am at school and spell check is in Spanish

Hásta mañana mis amigos!!

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